Privacy Policy & Terms of Use


The website is provided as is by the company “SM FINE ART WORKS OF ART COMMERCIAL AND PRODUCTION COMPANY S.A.” and distinctive title “STAVROS MIHALARIAS ART S.A.” based in Kifissia, Attica, Greece, at 260 Kifissias Ave. and Diligianni Street, Postal Code 14562, with General Commercial Registry (GEMH) number 001802801000 and VAT number 094352656 (hereinafter referred to as “SM FINE ART” or the “Company”) and constitutes the online store of the Company selling products through the internet, under the terms and conditions herein set out. Access to and use of the website signifies the unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions herein set out, as well as any amendments thereto.

  1. Visit and use of the website

Anyone can freely visit the website. The visitor/user declares and guarantees that he/she will use the website in accordance with these terms, the applicable rules and provisions of national, Community and international law and morality. The visitor/user is responsible for the restoration of any damage that may be caused to the Company or to any third party, by unfair and/or misuse of the services or pages or any part of this website as well as by the introduction, publication and transmission, through it, of any information, text, software or file. If the visitor/user does not agree or understand these terms of use, in whole or in part, he/she must not visit and/or use this website. It is expressly prohibited, without the prior written permission of the Company, to reproduce, republish, modify, distribute, make available, transmit, use and in general exploit all or part of the content of this website in any way. Exceptionally, individual copying and printing of a single copy of part of the content for personal and not public or commercial use is allowed, provided that the Company’s intellectual and industrial property rights are not affected.

  1. Intellectual and Industrial Property

The content and information provided by the website, including but not limited to the design, distinctive features, logos, graphics, texts, documents, photographs, databases and in general any distinctive sign and intellectual work of the website, are the intellectual and industrial property of the Company and are protected by law, with the exception of books, periodicals, catalogues, brochures in general, diaries, CDs, CD-ROMs and other products offered for sale, which are the intellectual property of the legal and/or natural persons referred to therein as beneficiaries of the relevant rights.

  1. Disclaimer

The Company bears no responsibility for any damage caused to the visitor/user by the access and use of the content and the information and services offered on the website. The Company takes the necessary protection measures for the proper operation of this website, but in no case does it guarantee that the contents, the websites and the technical facilities and capabilities of the website will be provided continuously and without problems, nor that the website and / or the servers (“servers” “) through which it connects to the computer of the visitors/users, will be provided without harmful applications which were installed unknowingly. The Company is not responsible for any damage caused to the customer due to force majeure events or events outside its control (such as, indicatively, inability to supply/ network failures, weather conditions, strikes, etc.).

  1. Links to other websites

The website may include “links”, “hyperlinks”, advertising “banners” to other websites with which the Company is not in any way connected. The Company bears no responsibility regarding the content, the privacy policy, the quality, security, legality and accuracy of information or services of other websites and/or pages to which it may refer via links of any kind.

  1. Processing and Protection of Personal Data

The User accepts and agrees that for the conclusion of a sales contract with the Company, he/she is obliged to create a user profile, where he/she is required to enter in any necessary information for the purposes of concluding and executing sales contracts with the Company.

The User undertakes the obligation to declare to the Company a true e-mail and product delivery address, while acknowledging that any false statement renders impossible the execution of any of the sales contracts, without prejudice to any of the Company’s rights from the wilful acts and omissions of the user.

The User is solely responsible for keeping the names and passwords in the user profile he/she will create.

The Company is in possession of the personal data entered by the User (name, address of residence – sending of products – e-mail address – telephone numbers, and therefore becomes Data Controller within the meaning of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR).

Each use or processing of these data and all data relating to buyers, which the Company makes, is made exclusively in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR.

The User – Data Subject may, at any time, exercise the rights provided for in the said Regulation and in particular in Articles 12 to 23 and in particular the right to:

(a) information and access to its data processed by the Company

(b) restriction of data processing;

(c) correction and deletion of part or all of his/her personal data, and

(d) objection, i.e. to object to the processing of his/her personal data.

(e) oblivion: if the User wishes to delete all the data concerning him/ her, he/she may contact the Company by e-mail and exercise his/her right of oblivion with regard to the data he/she has produced by registering and interacting with the Company kept on the Company’s servers. The Company will delete within 7 days all such data and will cancel the account of the User. The User at any time is entitled to re-register with a new account.

Especially with regard to the Company’s communication with the buyers in order to inform the latter about the products that the Company disseminates through its store, the Company is entitled to send to the e-mail address of the users information and advertising, provided that they have chosen to do so and provided explicit electronic consent to this (opt-in).

Also, the user is provided in a clear and distinct manner with the possibility to object at any time (opt-out / unsubscribe).

The User accepts and is aware that the Company, for the conclusion of sales contracts and in general for the operation of the website, temporarily stores in the temporary cache that interacts with the navigation-browsing software it uses, text files “cookies” which store anonymous data concerning the navigation-browsing of the website or the operation of the Company’s software and interact with the software at each visit of the User. The User accepts the installation of these files in the storage area of his computer-device. In case the User wishes to block the storage of these files in his system, he may not be able to enter into sales contracts with the Company until the lifting of the storage block of the “cookies”.

The Company, in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR), reserves the right to make appropriate updates of this policy in order to optimally adapt to the new regulatory framework and amendments or interpretative circulars.

The User – Data Subject is entitled to submit questions and complaints in relation to the processing of his/her personal data by the Company, to the supervisory national authority, i.e. to the Personal Data Protection Authority, Offices: Kifissias 1-3, P.C. 115 23, Athens, Call Center: +30-210 6475600, Fax: +30-210 6475628, E-mail:

  1. Transmission of data to courier companies

The Company, for the execution-delivery of the user’s order, is obliged to transmit to a third party the minimum necessary personal data for the execution of the shipment of the order: these data transmitted to a third party (carrier licensed by EETT) are the name, surname, address (city, region, number / street) and contact number of the recipient user, exclusively for the purpose of the execution of the transfer and delivery of the order.

In the event of a refusal of the user’s consent for the above transmission, the user must come to the Company’s premises to receive his/her order.

  1. Orders for The Benefit of Third Parties – Gifts

In the event that the recipient is a different person from the user or from the billing entity (if he/she is a natural person), the user declares responsibly to the Company that he/she has the explicit consent and consent of this third party natural person, for the submission and registration of the necessary personal data that will allow the execution of the order, especially the invoicing in favour of a third party, and / or the delivery of the order to its name and address (with registration and telephone number of communication), otherwise it is responsible to the Company.

  1. Minors. The use of the pages and services of this website to a user / visitor who is a minor is possible only with the consent of his parents or guardians.
  2. Applicable Law – Jurisdiction. These terms are interpreted in accordance with Greek law. For the resolution of any dispute that may arise during the interpretation – application of these terms of use as well as from the conclusion of electronic transactions, through this website, the Courts of Athens, Greece, are exclusively competent.
  3. Contact

Any visitor, user or customer may contact the Company by phone +30 210 6234320 or in writing electronically at: